Résultat de  

« Boléro » et autres joyaux de la danse

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scolaire : inscriptions

Afin de garantir l’inscription de votre enfant à la restauration, aux accueils périscolaires du soir et aux Alsh du mercredi, nous vous invitons à vérifier et à défaut à réaliser vos réservations pour chaque jour souhaité. Voici un bref rappel des étapes de  la démarche: 1- Créer le Dossier Administratif…

La rentrée scolaire aura lieu le lundi 4 septembre.

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Local tourist information office

You can find in this article the history of the creation of the local tourist information office as well as information on the Lake of Cazaux  Creation of the local tourist information office THE BOAT LAUNCH: ONE MAN’S 24-YEAR QUEST In 1964, Jacques Bessou, Deputy Mayor for the village of Cazaux and founder of the local tourist information office, came up with the idea of creating the boat launch. He thus became the driving force behind…His first challenge was to reach a consensus within the Municipal Council. After many debates on the public interest of the project, and its environmental and financial risks, he succeeded in getting a unanimous vote.   He also had to reassure the French Armed Forces, due to their concerns about…A KEY DISTINCTION SHAPED THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE This distinction was a key factor in the site’s development. It closed the door on any opportunities for commercial or industrial development. No shipyards, boating businesses, technical facilities, careening areas or fuel distribution. Just a water hole, pontoons, water, electricity and… boats. These…THE BOAT LAUNCH TODAY: MORE THAN BOATING–A MEETING PLACE 350 boats, sorted by size and type, are now moored along the floating wooden pontoons. Each berth has a water tap and electrical connection. The former resin processing hut has been turned into an office and blends perfectly into the landscape.…  Thanks to all these initiatives, the boat launch has become a major asset for the municipality of La Teste de Buch, along with the Dune of Le Pyla, ocean beaches, the forest, and the port of La Teste de Buch.   The friendly setting attracts local walkers, tourists and…From abandonment to development THE STORY BEHIND THE LANDSCAPE AND USES OF THE LANDES MARSHES Like other Landes lakes, Cazaux Sanguinet was cut off from the ocean back in the 17th century by sand that obstructed the mouth of the Gourgue river between La Salie and Le Trencat.   The…A GROWING ATTRACTION Soon, sand carts began transporting visitors to the lake and Cazaux became a popular destination. To such an extent that in the early 20th century, Pierre Valmont Bal described tourism as one of the resources for the future in his “Study on the past and future of…MUCH-NEEDED DEVELOPMENT The lake was a huge success. In 1978, it was added to the official list of scenic spots. Yet this success was not without its challenges. In addition to illegal constructions, there were increasing health and safety concerns. Firefighters and emergency services had a difficult time reaching the…Specific regulations govern the use of the site in order to maintain this balance. These regulations also take into account the military base and its firing range. Copies of the regulations are available at the Boat Launch Office. It is each individual’s responsibility to read and abide by these regulations…The boat launch: an exceptional setting   Visitors travelling from the centre of Cazaux on the road overlooking the boat launch will see it appear like a gem, perfectly adorning the blue ring of the lake, framed by the green forest. A closer study of this breath-taking view reveals fascinating…Lake of Cazaux-Sanguinet: a natural wonder in need of protection Spanning 2 French departments, Landes (Pays de Born) and Gironde (Pays de Buch), the Lake of Cazaux-Sanguinet covers 55 km2, making it the second-largest natural freshwater lake in France after Lake Geneva (French-Swiss). Unlike many lakes, it has oligotrophic, or…The User Forest: exceptional history, fauna and flora To understand the user forest, you must first understand about its history. It all started during the 15th century, when the Captal of Buch, Jean de Foix de Grailly, established an agreement (Baillette de 1468) to officialise an authorisation first granted by…The main steps in the process were as follows: Baillette of 1746, which recognises the forest landowners as legitimate owners, provided that they comply with the user rights. Transaction of 1759 specifies these rights and remains the foundation for current uses. Only the forest landowners have the right to tap…Home to a wealth of wildlife and plants A NUTRIENT-POOR ENVIRONMENT WITH A WEALTH OF BIODIVERSITY The Lake of Cazaux has oligotrophic, or low-nutrient, waters. This offers two benefits: The water is suitable for drinking water production (among the French lakes with the purest water) High biodiversity. This is because…RARE AND PROTECTED PLANT SPECIES The shores of the lake are home to great diversity: wet moorlands, with more or less peaty environments, and wet woodlands in the flood area. reed beds, which favour the development of fish species. oligotrophic amphibious grasses, which are home to rare and vulnerable plants…WILDLIFE IN THE AIR, ON LAND, AND IN THE WATER In the air: In addition to a variety of passerines, wild ducks and seagulls, close observation of the pine trees reveals guano produced by Great Cormorants, who come from the nearby Bay of Arcachon to feed on fish. The little bittern,…Certain species are endemic (specific to the area), while others have been introduced recently. Some species, such as the rusty crayfish, pond perch, and catfish are considered invasive because their development is detrimental to local species. The diversity and rarity of these plant and animal species is protected and they…Protecting the site: we all have a part to play NATURA 2000: A EUROPEAN NETWORK OF PROTECTED AREAS The Lake of Cazaux is a protected area and part of the NATURA 2000 network. This key European policy tool aimed at preserving biodiversity promotes the inclusion of biodiversity issues when designing human activities. The Natura 2000 approach therefore promotes collective efforts…WE ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY IN PROTECTING THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT What’s at stake: the preservation of a natural environment, a major source of economic development for the municipality, and protection of an area that produces 50% of the drinking water for the southern Bay of Arcachon area. To…

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c’est quoi le Covid-19 ?

Pour les plus-petits    Parler du Coronavirus Apprendre à se laver les mains Avant le retour à la crèche ou l’école maternelle ou en primaire, les enfants peuvent apprendre le lavage des mains par le jeu sur la base des images présentées dans le visuel ci-contre.   Un livre pour parler du Coronavirus Covid-19…Comment occuper LES PLUS PETITS pendant le confinement Quelques suggestions d’activités pour les plus jeunes à faire durant le confinement Apprentissages, jeux, dessins, films… La faune et la flore – Cahiers pédagogiques (3 – 5 ans) : www.cerza.com : Cycle-1-Les sens en Afrique 60 idées pour répondre à « je…Tout COMPRENDRE Quelques liens pour que les enfants puissent s’informer sur ce qu’est le Coronavirus Covid-19 en vidéo : www.youtube.com/channel/UC2JYqYEiJpcjiQyV2gik6BA en lecture ptitlibe.liberation.fr/coronavirus-dernieres-infos,101211   S’occuper pendant le confinement Nous vous proposons une liste non exhaustive de différentes activités. Apprentissages La chaîne France 4 pour « la nation apprenante », des…Lectures, Jeux, dessins  Grand cahier d’activité sur les émotions (Cahier Filliozat) d’Isabelle Filliozat : fr.calameo.com Répertoire de livres pour enfants gratuits : www.maitresseuh.fr : ou trouver des livres pour enfants en ligne et gratuits Bibliothèques sans frontières a relayé ses ressources avec plein de supers idées : www.bibliosansfrontieres.org : bibliotheque activites pour se…

« Dis-moi, c’est quoi le Covid-19 ? » Comment parler du Coronavirus aux enfants ? (sur la base d’un document du collège des psychologues du CHU d’Amiens-Picardie)

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LE CONTEXTE Bien que le numérique soit de plus en plus présent au quotidien, tout le monde n’a pas accès aux mêmes prestations, notamment en matière de débit. Il faut savoir que la loi française ne considère pas Internet comme un service public obligatoire (contrairement à l’eau ou au téléphone…

Un point sur Gironde Haut Méga , le chantier départemental de déploiement de la Fibre Optique

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Les Aides aux Seniors

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Travaux en cours

Actualité du Schéma directeur de circulation en centre-ville Travaux en cours   Travaux en cours   Vous pourrez retrouver dans cette rubrique une liste descriptive des travaux en cours sur la Commune      Actualité du Schéma directeur de circulation en centre-ville   Retrouvez dans cette rubrique toutes les actualités et plans liés au schéma de circulation en centre-ville.      Dans le cadre du schéma de circulation du centre ville, le sens de circulation de la rue Edouard Lalanne sera inversé le mardi 24 septembre 2024. La mise en place du Schéma de circulation en centre-ville se poursuit et le sens de la rue Captalat et de la rue…

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Qualité des eaux de baignade

La qualité des eaux de baignade de la Commune est régulièrement contrôlée, non seulement par les Service de l’État, mais aussi par le SIBA Les Contrôles de l’État En France, l’eau des sites de baignade est contrôlée au minimum une fois par mois par les services de l’État. Ce contrôle…

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& Jeunesse

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